Homework Routines
Monday is a key day in Endeavour. Homework is marked together and key areas of support addressed. Spellings tests are completed. New homework is then sent out. Details of new homework for the week are posted on Dojo on Mondays. Spare homework and spellings can be found in trays at the front of class.
Homework Weekly will be:
– Spellings that are specifically tailored for individual year group or needs.
– Reading from banded books for Year 5 and 6 – children will have a banded book that they are reading with an adult and a book of their own choice for pleasure. Please see our class newsletter for further information about reading.
– Grammar in white CGP grammar books linked to the work we are doing in class.
– Times Table Rock Stars. Children will complete a baseline assessment as they return to school and will then be grouped accordingly with tables practice set for the half term.
– A weekly maths task is set on paper based on our learning from the previous week.
Homework Club runs every Tuesday from 3.20-3.45/3.50
Join Mrs Beswick and myself to complete your homework for the week and share ideas along the way too!
No booking needed, just come along!
Dojos will be awarded for great effort with homework. If children need help and support with homework, we are always here to guide if needed.
Your child will write down their homework weekly and any reminders for the week in their reading record. This prepares the children for using planners at high school.