Headteacher | Mrs Price | |
Deputy Headteacher/SENdCo | Mrs Cookson | |
SENdCo | Mrs Hothersall | |
Discovery Class (EYFS) | Mrs Mesghali and Mrs Hothersall | |
Atlantis Class (Year 1/2) | Miss Topping | |
Enterprise Class (Year 3/4) | Mrs Horn/Mrs Lever | |
Endeavour Class (Year 5/6) | Mrs Cookson | |
Teaching Assistants | Mrs Beswick
Mrs Patel |
Miss Radcliffe
Mrs Kenyon |
School Business Officer | Mrs Bradshaw | |
Site Supervisor | Vacancy | |
Cleaner | Mrs Kenyon/Mrs Greenwood | |
Senior Mid-day supervisor | Miss Radcliffe | |
Welfare Assistants | Mrs Beswick | Mrs Patel |
Employed by Lancashire Catering Service
Kitchen Supervisor | Mrs H Rowe |
Kitchen Assistant | Mrs A Moorby |
Subject Leaders
English and Drama | Miss L Topping and Mrs R Lever |
Mathematics | Mrs S Cookson and Mrs L Horn |
Science | Mrs A Mesghali and Mrs S Hothersall |
Computing | Mrs J Price and Mrs S Hothersall |
RE | Mrs R Lever and Mrs S Cookson |
Geography | Mrs L Horn and Miss L Topping |
History | Mrs L Horn and Miss L Topping |
PE | Mrs R Lever |
Art | Mrs S Hothersall |
Music | Mrs A Mesghali |
Design Technology | Mrs J Price |
Modern Foreign Languages (French) | Miss L Topping |
Personal, social and health education (and RSE) | Mrs S Cookson |
Collective Worship | Mrs J Price |